Nothing happens by chance. Life has a reason for putting us in touch with one another. My name is Mikel and one day I discovered that I could see, hear and feel spirits. It hasn't been easy, but I soon realized that this was a Gift, a present that I should develop and learn to control in order to humbly help others.

I was born in Urretxu, a small village in the Basque Country, at the end of the seventies. I have a clear vision of life and death, because since I was a small child I have seen and felt spirits, foreseen events and made predictions. I have responsibly accepted my mission, which is to enable contact with those loved ones who are no longer with us, thus helping as many people as possible.

You'll be wondering how this is possible... how can a stranger, myself in this case, enable a connexion with someone who is important to you? It's healthy to question this, and I encourage you to subject my words and messages to scrutiny. Weigh them up, but keep an open mind and heart so that your own intuition and sensitivity can reflect on them properly.

This is what they say about me "...His specific messages and his friendly manner lead to a very special and unique way of working; today he is one of the mediums most in demand for symposiums and congresses all over the world. One of the most acclaimed figures at international conferences and symposiums..."

My experience has taught me that the loved one who wants to give you a message has probably tried to do it in other ways... maybe has tried to whisper it in your dreams, has made its presence felt through subtle caresses, has sent you a special fragrance or changed the place of objects around the home. These are signs, gestures and attempts to bridge the gap between you. In my case, I have lived with these experiences as part of normal life, ever since I understood what was happening to me at the age of twelve and learnt to channel it for the good of others. The spirits allow me to act as a medium in order to transmit advice and words of comfort to loved ones, to resolve unfinished business, to shed light on and give answers to all those things that are left unresolved when we pass on...

José Gregorio González, in an article published in the magazine " Más Allá" in May 2016 said:

"...Lizarralde moves easily amongst the public. The confidence with which he transmits his messages is surprising, perhaps because of his innate innocence and shyness as a speaker, which disappears as soon as he starts channelling information. At close quarters he has a clear gaze, a sincere, comforting smile and an intelligent, natural way of speaking without falseness or ambiguity.

He leaves the messages from those who have died until the end of his conferences, causing surprise, emotion and amazement to their loved ones, and bewilderment to the sceptics in the audience. There is no sinister scenery or confusing play of lights and shadows. The archetypical scene of nineteenth century mediums who caused ectoplasm to manifest and were able to bring about all sorts of incredible and dubious special effects has today been replaced by more friendly and comfortable settings,in which you can feel at home. Nowadays mediumship is presented through a more intellectual and emotional discourse, centred on psychic contact with the beyond, and the extrasensory channelling of information..."

I currently take part every fortnight in the radio program "La Rueda del Misterio" - The Wheel of Mystery http://www.laruedadelmisterio.es with a spot called "El Poder del Espíritu" - the Power of the Spirit, I am the founder and director of IZARPE (The Institute of Intuitive and Therapeutic Sciences) http://www.izarpe.org, the coordinator of IZARGI (The Association of Help in Mourning and Loss) http://www.izargi.org.es and of ACE-SSF (The Spiritual Science Fellowship).


Mikel Lizarralde is a Spanish-born Proof-of-Survival medium. This means that he can actually look into the Spirit world and retrieve valuable, clear and precise information. He has been able to do that since he was little to his parent´s astonishment. Also a fully ordained Interfaith Minister, (opened the first and so far the only Spiritualist Church in all of Spain); has a Doctorate Degree in Philosophy in Therapeutic Counseling by the Open University of Sri Lanka. He is currently studying a bachelor Degree in Psychology in his home country of Spain to get his credentials recognized by the state.

Mikel is considered the leading medium in Spain, and travels the world teaching and lecturing. Being a natural intuitive, his life really changed when he was given the opportunity to travel to Montreal, QC (Canada) in 2003, to train at the SSF (Spiritualist Science Fellowship) for two and a half years, where he got really acquainted with his gift. When he returned to Spain started regularly attending the Arthur Findlay College and other places for formal training for a period of one year. Since then, he has not stopped being called by the media and to teach all over.

  • Madre Teresa de Calcuta

    “Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work”.

    Mother Teresa

  • Francis of Assisi

    “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible”.

    Francis of Assisi

  • Mahadma Ghandi

    “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”.

    Mahadma Ghandi